Book "The Endless Present"
The book "The Endless Present" has been translated into Russian and published by Angelika Alekseeva, the only founder of the Strelitzia Charity Foundation for Assisting Dementia Patients. Hurry up to buy a paper copy of the book

"Caregiving is the best proof of love"
Из книги Флавио Пагано "Oltre l`Alzheimer", 2019
Our mission is to
Each family, living with a person with dementia, has got limited opportunities of having fun together with the affected family member or leaving them in a company of the specialist in this illness. Do not forget the lack of socialization and communication with other people, who are facing similar experience.
We are fighting for their rights to conduct a full social life. We assure you that sense of abandonment and helplessness, social isolation, anger, guilty feeling, disappointment, are common to everyone who is teaming with dementia in day-by-day life.

Indifference makes people feel invisible!
Angelika Alekseeva | Founder of “Strelitzia” Charitable organization
Are you over 40? Have you got head traumas or alcohol intoxication? Are you smoking addict? Then you can have dementia in your third age. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it?
Lack of knowledge concerning this topic is the main difficulty of our modern society. The causes of dementia can vary, there is no scientific explanation or effective treatment.
The only fact is certain: dementia is not a normal part of aging.
Dementia is a generic term that describes a progressive and irreversible loss of higher mental function, particularly memory. If you know about the symptoms of cognitive decline and mental and personal changes, you can recognize the early possible signs of disease of you beloved ones. The sooner plans of treatment are established, the better will be the quality of life of the patient and his family.
A few years ago, I noticed the earliest symptoms of the disease in my mom. Emotions that I experienced as care daughter started from denial, through fear to acceptance of the disease. Every day was a new challenge. In the meantime, I have continued working and living a full life. Positive experience of our family and constant dementia-study became the steppingstones in my decision to help people, facing dementia like me.
At the end of 2019 I became the Founder of charitable organization “Strelitzia”. Foundation’s mission: bring as much of attention as possible at caregivers and improve quality of life both people living with dementia and their family members.
The main goal of our organization is spreading knowledge about dementia, community sensitization, involving medical institutions, companies and inform the whole society.
A recent sociological survey has shown that, while choosing the beneficiary of donation or help, 32% of the benefactors will help children and only 12% will choose the elderly persons.
Some negative stereotypes have been created around charity organizations. I am aware of this, but helping others we help, first, ourselves. Giving regular assistance to others, our heart remains open and beating. People like that make miracles come true around the world. The sum of donation does not matter, the number of those who donate is important. Only indifference makes people feel themselves invisible!

Another stereotype: charity is something, that no one should know about. As if it were some embarrassment or shame. This stereotype must disappear. Do charity, talk about your experience, and our Foundation will thank you at our social accounts inside “Strelitzia’s People” section. You will become an example to follow for some persons, for someone else, instead, you will be making a miracle.

Everyone around you is scared and no one helps? Doctors cannot answer your questions? It is impossible to find medical assistance? When and how can the condition be more acceptable? I will answer all these questions and help you to get strong and positive Subscribe and join our community
I share my own experience on how to:
- To keep anger and frustration under control
- Not to get crazy after the diagnosis of a beloved one
- To find assistance and psychological support – avoid the burnout
- To find time for yourself and don’t feel guilty
- To improve family life’s quality and find positive issues even in the disease
- To communicate correctly with patients and avoid any kind conflict
- To accept the disease and loss
- To learn from other caregivers’ experience
We need you voices to be heard everywhere!
You can help us this way:
Follow us on social networks.
Make registration on our website.
Tell you friends about us.
Share your own experience with us.
Become our volunteer.
Organize charity event to collect funds for our purposes.
Any donation will be accepted with gratitude. Charity is easier that we think. Help us to help others.